Game Rule Summary Chart

Game Rule Summary Chart For Coaches, Parents, AND Referees - Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

Back to full Current Rulebook


Fall and Springfollowed by a throw-out, punt, or drop kick,

 Spring Only

Fall and Spring


5th/6th Grade

Grade 8

Grade 10

Grade 12/PG

High School G912








Time should be a minimum 5 minute halftime interval

2 x 30 min

2 x 30 min

2 x 35 min

2 x 40 min

2 x 45 min

2 x 30 min


No (attempted or actual)
IFK for team not in violation 





Ball Size














Penalty Mark

8 yds

10 yds

12 yds

12 yds

12 yds

12 yds

Referee Fee







AR Fee







Roster Player Limit without waiver


D1 & D2 Gr 6 = 18

other N/A





Players Needed to Start







Players Needed to Continue







Player* Passcards/ID Sheet


Never for Grade 5
Not during Regular
Season for Grade 6

Not during Regular

Not during Regular

Not during Regular


*Special requirements are in place for teams in the BAYS Playoffs/MTOC. See Match Rule 5 for when Player Passcards or a Team Photo ID Sheet are required.


With the permission of the referee

  • after a goal, prior to a goal kick, prior to the start of the 2nd half - unlimited both teams
  • on a throw-in - the team with possession may sub unlimited, and if they choose to sub, then the defending team may sub unlimited
  • if an injured player(s) is substituted, then the opposing team may sub on a 1 for 1 basis
  • after a caution, the offending player must leave the field and cannot return until the next substitution opportunity; a substitution is allowed (but not required) for the carded player
  • a team that is already at the minimum number of players needed to continue play may temporarily play at below the minimum
  • any player who is bleeding must be substituted immediately and may return only when bandaged; bloody uniforms may not be worn

15 minute Rule

BAYS provides a 15-minute window for an official game to start, if the following are met:

  • The assigned referee arrives or after the 15 minutes are up the coaches may appoint an acting referee per LAW 5
  • Each team needs at a minimum, one adult wearing their credential to oversee each team (Match Rule 1).   
  • Both teams provide an official hard copy roster to the referee (Match Rule 1) 
  • The minimum number of players for each team are present  (LAW 3).

See also Starting the Game in MR8.


Two (2) printed paper copies (one for the referee, one for the opponent) and signed by the coach; electronic versions are not valid. All rosters must be typed/printed with no handwritten additions except for jersey numbers, additions of substitute coaches, or crossing off of players/coaches not in attendance.  The referee is not responsible for ascertaining the roster size or eligibility of players. 

Coaching and Coach Credentials

  • Official MYSA Credential Lanyards must be displayed and worn by ALL team officials on the team's sidelines. Electronic versions are not valid.
  • At least one credentialed adult must be present on each team's sideline throughout the game.
  • There is a maximum of three, Credentialed, non-player people on the team sideline.
  • Prior to kickoff at every game, when referees ask for the team roster, they should verify that all team officials are wearing the proper credentials and number no more than 3
  • Under 18 team officials are allowed and must have an official MYSA credential
  • All team officials on the sideline must stay within the technical area (if marked) and if not marked, within an area designated by the referee.


Plaster/fiberglass casts (even if padded) and jewelry (including earrings) of any kind are not allowed. Players with medical, religious, or cultural wearable items must have the item properly secured with any medical information showing.

Players can play with assistive devices such as prescription glasses, cochlear implant processors, hearing aids, insulin pumps, and other approved equipment that is essential for them to wear in order to play.

It is the Coach's responsibility to point the specific equipment out to the referee before the game, so that if there is an issue—such as the assistive device coming off the player during the game—the referee is aware of the need to stop the play to provide assistance.

It is the referee's responsibility to ensure that the players' equipment and other items are safe.


Special 3rd/4th Grade Rules

Free Kick: opponents must remain at least 8 yards away from any free kick unless they are on their own goal line.

Goal Kick: defenders must retreat to the halfway line, but the opposing team may take the kick before all defenders have retreated.

On a Penalty Kick, all players except the player taking the kick and the goalkeeper must be on the kicker’s defensive side of the halfway line.

On a goal kick, or on a goalkeeper save, followed by a throw-out, punt, or drop kick, the ball must touch the ground in the defensive side of the halfway line, or be touched by any player in the defensive half of the field. Infringement of this rule will result in a turnover of the ball to the other team. Play shall restart with an indirect free kick at the halfway line nearest the spot where the ball crossed the halfway line.


Zero Tolerance












All coaches, team managers and spectators shall support and respect the decisions made by the match officials during the game. Failure to do so undermines the authority of the match officials and has the potential to create a hostile environment for the players, referee(s), and all other participants/spectators at a match. See Match Rule 15.

The Zero Tolerance Policy applies to all coaches/team officials, players, parents, spectators, and other supporters and officials participating in a BAYS program or event.

  • No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee before, during, or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.
  • Absolutely NO DISPUTING CALLS, during or after the game, no direct or indirect remarks to the referee to watch certain players or attend to rough play. Yelling, criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or negative feedback of any kind before, during, or after the game will not be tolerated.

    Violators may be sent off and are subject to disciplinary action by the BAYS Sportsmanship Review Committee.

  • If Coaches would like to provide feedback about the refereeing, AFTER the game, log into the BAYS site and under My BAYS->Coach/Manager->Game Feedback click the correct game link to access a form that will send the feedback directly to the home Referee Assignor as well as to BAYS officials.

  • If Spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, they should contact their BAYS team coach. Coaches can file feedback reports with BAYS or speak with their club officials to get more guidance.

The referee has the authority to take disciplinary action from the moment they arrive at the field of play for the pre-match inspection until leaving the field of play/parking area after the match ends.

There are required default sanctions for ZT violations: See the BAYS Zero Tolerance Policy.

Referees should use the following scale when reporting violations of the Zero Tolerance Policy on their game reports: See full ZT Ratings Guidelines

Policy Level

Severity of Violation

      Conduct Involved


No issues

  • No direct or indirect comments or behavior related to the performance of the match officials



  • Minor/low-level comments or behavior that directly or indirectly undermined the match officials before, during, or after the game

  • Did not disrupt the game for players or distract the match officials



  • Persistent comments or behavior that directly or indirectly undermined the match officials before, during, or after the game 

  • Disrupted the game or distracted the match officials

  • Failed to cooperate or persistently argued with a match official e.g. ignored an instruction/request

  • Cautions issued or should have been issued



  • Offensive or insulting language and/or behavior that directly or indirectly undermined the match officials before, during, or after the game 

  • Significantly disrupted the game or distracted the match officials

  • Ejections for ZT occurred or should have occurred

  • May have considered terminating the game


Game Reporting

All referees (including ARs) must fill out an online game report by Nov. 30 for the fall and June 30 for the spring in order to be paid. A narrative must be provided in any instance where a serious injury has occurred, where a player, coach, or spectator has been ejected, or where any participant's behavior has been given a zero tolerance rating of "2" or "3".