BAYS Match Rule 1 – Team Officials, Substitute Coach, and Minor Coach


For both Spring and Fall seasons, any person who will be responsible for the team at a game, including the coach, or other person acting as a substitute in charge of the team, must have a valid Mass Youth credential. Substitute coaches need not be listed on an approved club roster to be on the club player’s sideline. The substitute coach must write in their name on the roster given to both the referee and the opposing coach. Such a person must be at least 18 years old and two years older than the age limit of the team. If at any time during the game, a team does not have a responsible adult with their Mass Youth Credential with them on the sideline, then the referee shall terminate  the game, and that team shall forfeit the game.

All team officials on the team sideline during the game must display by wearing their credential during the game and show to the referee a valid Mass Youth Soccer credential with the current soccer year prior to the game. There is a maximum limit of three team officials with the team on the sideline. Credentialed coaches younger than 18 years old cannot be the only coach with the team during a game.

Responsibility for Teams

At each game, each team must have a qualified responsible adult present who must be at least 18 years old and two years older than the age limit of the team, and who can be a coach, or someone designated to substitute for them, and whose responsibilities shall include maintaining control and discipline over the team and its spectators. The responsible person must display by wearing their valid credential during the game and present their Mass Youth Credential with the current soccer year to the referee before the game commences. An Electronic version of the Mass Youth Soccer credential is not acceptable.

It shall be the sponsoring soccer organization’s responsibility to ensure that it selects coaches who are not only qualified to coach, but who are also able to promote the highest levels of good sportsmanship and are able to maintain proper control and discipline of the team and its spectators.

Game Rosters

Coaches must provide two paper copies of their BAYS roster, exactly as it was submitted to and approved by their Division Director, to the referee for all games in both fall and spring seasons. Any players not participating in that game must be crossed off the roster. Unique uniform numbers are required and must be either printed or written on the Game Roster. The coach submitting the roster is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the uniform numbers and may correct or fill them in prior to handing it to the referee at each game. The referee must verify that the BAYS roster accurately lists the players and their uniform numbers.  Players not printed on the roster may not play.

If within 15 minutes of the scheduled start a team does not have a roster, an official game cannot be started and played. The Division Director should assign a forfeit. Each coach shall be given a copy of the opponent’s roster. If a team only brings one copy of its roster, the opposing coach is given the option of reviewing and recording the referee’s roster  or may waive this requirement.

The eligibility of players printed on the roster is not subject to review by the referee. Questions concerning player eligibility (grade, age, residency, dual rostering, etc.) should be referred by the opposing coach to the Division Director or BAYS Registrar.

Reporting Scores 

It is the responsibility of both home and visiting team coaches to email or phone the results of a game to their section captain within 48 hours after the game.

Honor System 

In all dealings among players, coaches, referees, and administrators, BAYS relies on the honesty and integrity of each participant. The Sportsmanship Review Committee, at its discretion, will review reported breaches of this honor system and is empowered to take appropriate corrective measures.

In particular, the honor system is used in establishing the eligibility of players. It is the final responsibility of the coach or person responsible for the team at a game to ensure that all players are qualified according to the BAYS bylaws, policies, and all rules.