Team Registration Process

Team Registration Process Overview

For simplicity, “town” is used for any club or organization entering a team in BAYS.

Team Registration Timing


Spring Season

Fall Season

Grades 3-8 Youth



Grades 9-12 High School (7v7 recreational)

Late March

Late August

Grades 10 and 12 High School (11v11 competitive)

Late March

Late August

Adding a Team after registration period closes: 


  • Towns may request to add a team until the schedule is finalized. The team will be accepted only if there is space available in the requested Grade/Gender, otherwise it goes on a waitlist. If another team gets added, then both teams will be added to keep the overall # of teams even.

  • Team placement in a particular division is also contingent on space available. 

Dropping Teams after registration period closes:

  • Towns may drop a team at any time. BAYS assesses graduated financial fines, in addition to the loss of the team registration fee.


Team Registration and Placement Timeline Overview:

  1. Town Registrars input their town teams on with a requested placement.
  2. The BAYS Placement Committee meets and creates the Initial Team Placements for MTOC eligible sections in both the fall and the spring.
  3. BAYS BOD members meet and work on creating the Initial Team Placements for all non-MTOC eligible teams by gender/grade/division/section.
  4. Town clubs review the posted Initial Placements and submit Placement Change Requests, including very brief rationales.
    • A town may contact other towns directly to prearrange a trade. If a trade partner is found, BOTH towns include the trade swap in their change requests.
    • Large, multi-section changes are not very feasible at this stage, so clubs should try to make sure that their initial placment requests accurately represent their current team roster skill profile.
  5. The BAYS Placement Committee reviews the towns’ placement change requests and revises the placements. There are times when not all requested placement changes can be accommodated. BAYS generally does not move a team at this stage without an indicated placement change request.
  6. BAYS posts Revised Team Placements prior to the BAYS General Placement Meeting.
    • Towns review their revised team placements.
    • Before this meeting, a town may again contact other towns directly to prearrange a swap to be suggested at this meeting. Prior notice to [email protected] is also requested.
  7. BAYS holds a General Placement Meeting with all towns encouraged to attend.
    • At this meeting, towns may appeal the movement or lack of movement of a team, provided they previously requested a change. 
    • Towns may also try “horse trading”. Example: “In Girls Grade 4, Division 2, Section F, Arlington has a team that would like to move up. Is there any town in Sections A through C that would like to move down?”
    • After this meeting, while BAYS is finalizing team placements, towns have a day or two to arrange a swap on their own and notify BAYS promptly.
  8. BAYS opens Field Sharing with a submission window of 5-7 days.
  9. BAYS publishes Final Team Placements.
  10. BAYS builds final game schedules for the season.
  11. BAYS posts Final Game Schedules approximately 10 days before the season starts.