Grade & Age Groupings for Current Soccer Year



Program Grade Cut Off Year of Birth Cut Off
Born in or After
Grade 3  3rd Grade AND 2015/2016***
Grade 4  4th Grade or Lower AND 2014
Grade 5 5th Grade or Lower AND 2013
Grade 6  6th Grade or Lower AND 2012
Grade 8  8th Grade or Lower AND 2010
Spring Only: Grade 10 10th Grade or Lower AND 2008
Spring Only: Grade 12  12th + 1 year or Lower AND 2005
Fall and Spring HS 7v7 Grade 912 In Grade 9, 10, 11, or 12 AND 2005

Clubs are able to request waivers to these parameters under certain conditions. Click here for more information about our waiver process:

Please see BAYS Match Rule 3 for full details on player Grade/Age eligibility requirements.

 ***A player must be in grade 3 or higher to participate in BAYS and must be born in the birth years stated above. Players in grade 2 cannot play in BAYS.