Tutorial - How to Accept Games

We felt it would make sense to provide you with a quick tutorial on how to accept games.  

Please follow the read more link to see the details.

First assumptions

  • You have a BAYS user account
    • VETERAN REFEREES - If you are a veteran referee, we have transferred your account over.  Your credentials should remain the same.  If you are having trouble logging into the site contact [email protected].
      • Please provide your email address
      • Please provide your full name
      • Please provide your associated referee towns
    • NEW REFEREES - If you are a new referee, please see our article on creating a Referee Account. 
  • You have logged into the BAYS web site
  • You have been assigned a game


  • You should see the My BAYS menu option, follow My BAYS -> Referee -> Game Accept/Reject  [IMAGE BELOW]
  • Screenshot from 2017-04-10 14-01-39.png
  • You should find your assigned games, change the drop down as appropriate and click Submit