Referee Directors Message - Fall 2024

BAYS REFEREE DIRECTORS:   Gesse Faber and Jeremy Solomons [email protected]

Assignors and Referees,

Welcome to the Fall 2024 season! We are looking forward to seeing our refs out on the fields and to hearing from you as the season goes on. 

There are THREE things we would like to focus on this season:

  1. What BAYS can do to support referees and assignors. 
  2. Helping referees manage the certification and the recertification process.
  3. Communication and support 

RULES and LAWS: All the BAYS rules and the 2023-24 IFAB LOTG are in effect this season. 

GAME REPORTS: REPORTS should be submitted as SOON as possible. The SAME DAY is best. Within 24 hours is great! Additional details must be provided when there are cards, zero tolerances, or any major injuries.

ABANDONED / TERMINATED MATCHES must be reported within 24 hours to allow everyone time to do all the background work to figure out what to do next. The more DETAILS the better! A game report that includes an abandoned or terminated match will automatically start the replacement game process.   

LATE CANCEL FINE POLICYA late cancel is when a game gets canceled late for reasons other than severe weather or unplayable fields. Check out the details here. It is up to assignors to report this.

It becomes a Late Cancel when coaches fail to notify their opponent and the home assignor by Thursday at 7pm for weekend games or 12 noon the day prior to weekday games. If a coach misses the deadline, the referees will be paid by that coach’s club. Once the assignor is notified, they need to change the game status using the LC button for the game in Game Management. 


  • No payment will be made unless a game report is submitted. An Incomplete Game Report reminder is sent to referees, but only for games accepted in BAYS.

  • My BAYS-> Referee-> Pay History is where referees can go to track their incomplete game reports, so long as the games have been accepted. It also shows their payments due and payments received.

  • PAY CYCLE TIMING: Generally BAYS-paid roles will be paid in four payment cycles during each season: After Week 3, after Week 6, after Week 9, and then a final payment cycle after the season game submission deadline of June 30.

  • June 30 is a hard deadline to complete all game reports for this season. Referees will not be paid for games without a submitted game report.


  • Referees wear your RESPECT armband.

  • Make sure you report ZT violations.

  • Continue to use cards to discipline players/coaches for misconduct during a game. 

  • Someone should read the BAYS RESPECT statement to the teams after the team check-in process or make sure the teams do it.

  • Talk to your Referee Assignor for help if you have questions or need support.



1 Coach LANYARD: Every coach must WEAR their 2024-2025 MYSA Credential.

2 Official Paper ROSTERS must be handed to the referee (Detailed rules about rosters)

3 Coaches Maximum allowed on the player's side of the field.  

  • One paper roster is allowed if the opposing coach agrees. Coach can take a picture.

  • Coach must write in:

    • Player numbers (Each player needs a unique number)
    • Names of any coaches not printed on the roster. (must all be wearing their credential)
    • Sign the roster
  • Team Check In Process Update: 


    • No earrings (NOT even if taped)
    • No hard casts
    • Medical, Religious and Cultural Items are allowed if they are made safe. Earrings cannot be made safe, and remain not allowed.
    • Players can play with assistive devices such as prescription glasses, cochlear implant processors, hearing aids, insulin pumps, and other approved equipment that is essential for them to wear in order to play.

We are building a library of best practices, so please share with us any of your slideshows or materials that you share with your coaches and referees so we can create a library of best practices. 

We can help each other.

We hope you will have a safe and fun experience refereeing games this season.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and ideas.

Have a great season!

Gesse and Jeremy