BAYS - Section Boys 3 3/K

Section Leadership
Division Director: Chan MacVeagh
Section Captain: Michael Hughes
Section Standings
TeamSNTeam#WLTFPTSGFGA+/-CoachA Coach
Wrentham Wrazors1104136400182329-6Jason MaroldNone
North Attleboro Guardians56327433213251312Joe GilesNone
Milford-Hopedale Thompson Stingrays410231252171723-6Todd ThompsonOwen Martin
Milford-Hopedale Fitzgibbon210149163421418-4Kevin FitzgibbonChristina DiMaio
Marlboro Panthers - Haas3103900403-324-2Fred HaasHenry Garcia
Plainville Thrashers61030901004-4525-20Roy Nelson
Section Members
TeamFieldCoachAssistant Coach
North Attleboro GuardiansHighSt_7v7 #1Joe GilesNone
Milford-Hopedale Fitzgibbon4 Kevin FitzgibbonChristina DiMaio
Milford-Hopedale Thompson Stingrays3 Todd ThompsonOwen Martin
Plainville ThrashersField 1 (7v7)Roy Nelson
Marlboro Panthers - HaasGhiloni 5Fred HaasHenry Garcia
Wrentham WrazorsField 2Jason MaroldNone
Schedule and Results by Week
Week 2
Game #Game TimeFieldHome TeamScoreAway TeamNotes
3639/16/17 2:30pmField 2 (7v7)Wrentham Wrazors0 - 10Bellingham BlackhawksWent down a player when up by 5 and tried to increase the passing vs shooting
3649/16/17 2:30pmField of Dreams 7v7Plainville ThrashersF - FMilford-Hopedale Fitzgibbon
3659/16/17 2:30pmHigh Street 7v7 #1North Attleboro Guardians4 - 4Milford-Hopedale Thompson Stingrays