A. All teams: the following applies to all BAYS teams for Spring and Fall:
Identification as a BAYS League Roster
League: BAYS or Boston Area Youth Soccer.
Alternatively, “BAYS Roster” or ”Boston Area Youth Soccer Roster” may be in the heading of the roster.
BAYS Logo may be near the top of the roster
Town Organization (Club Name)
Team Name; Should be a close match to the team name on BAYS Website
Team Numeric ID which must exactly agree with the team listing on the BAYS Website
Gender; Grade Group; Division; Section; [must match the team listing on the BAYS website and not be blank.] Combinations are permissible (e.g. Div/Sec 1A or Div 1; Sec A)
Roster Date: the date the roster was generated or modified.
An adult Head Coach's name must be listed on the roster. Optionally (though not required) their contact information, e.g., email address, phone #, etc may be listed. The head coach's name on the roster must be recognizable as a match to the head coach’s name listed on the BAYS website. Club Coaches and Registrars need to refer to the Coach/Manager Website Information Policy. Additional coaches may be listed on the roster, or on the website, but do not need to match.
The name of a minor under 18 may be listed as an assistant coach on a roster but may not have their contact information (email or phone) listed.
The following columns must be present in the list of players:
Jersey number column (preprinted number should be included)
Last name; First Name (player list must be sorted alphabetically by last name then first name)
Year of birth
Town of residence
Waiver number, if needed
Other columns are optional, if within the guidelines of the Mass Youth Soccer and US Soccer policy ( Mass Youth Soccer Athlete and Participant Safety Policy) and at the club’s discretion.
No player phone numbers are allowed on rosters.
Coach Certification Block with space for the coach to sign at the match.
Club Certification noting that the club abides by the rules with a space for the typed name of the club officer (usually Club Registrar)and optionally a space for the officer’s signature.
Coach Certification must include the attestation that the coach knows the competition rules and the penalty for non-compliance. This must be signed at game time by the responsible adult or coach. The Town/Club Compliance is normally completed by the Registrar but may be another officer that attests the club is properly affiliated with Mass Youth and the players and adults meet all eligibility requirements.
Examples of these certifications are below:
Coach Certification
I certify that I will comply with BAYS Bylaws, playing rules, and Coach's Code of Conduct and know the penalties for non-compliance.
Coach's Signature______________________
Club Certification
All players and coaches/managers meet the Mass Youth and BAYS eligibility requirements for affiliation, playing age, and other items as applicable and that the town/club itself is properly affiliated.
Registrar's Name: XXX
Registrar's Signature______________________
Different Forms may be substituted so long as all the required information, game and referee reporting blanks, statements with signatures, and so forth are provided in a format similar to the BAYS roster/game form. Handwritten insertions are not permitted. Exceptions:The Coach’s signature is not initially required on the form. Handwritten corrections to uniform numbers (which should be preprinted) are allowed on the roster supplied to the referee and verified by them at the field. All player information must be listed. The coach’s signature on the BAYS roster/game form certifies that the coach has read and agrees to follow the rulebook. The name of the club registrar, or of another officer designated by the club, must be printed or typed on the roster, signifying that the club, through birth certificates or other such documentation, has determined that those players are eligible. (Eligibility includes grade, age, residency, and affiliation issues.) Players who are not participating in the match may also be lined out by hand.
2. Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions: There will be separate boys’ and girls’ divisions. A team that has both boys and girls on its roster shall play in the boys’ division. Refer to the BAYS Policy on Gender Identity for teams with transgendered players.
3. Roster changes are requested by following the same procedure and satisfying the same requirements as for the original roster. No added player may play in a match until the new roster is approved in the Roster Management system by the Division Director.
4. Dual rostering: No youth may be listed on the roster of more than one BAYS team at any one time during the season. If a player is detected listed on a second BAYS team official roster, the matter shall be referred to the BAYS Sportsmanship Review Committee. BAYS teams and players are also subject to any current Mass Youth Soccer restrictions on playing in more than one league at any one time.
B. Mass Tournament of Champions (MTOC) Submission: All MTOC teams in the spring must prepare a BAYS roster form which must be submitted online through the Roster Management system for the BAYS registrar to review and stamp. Once an MTOC roster has been stamped it will be routed through the Roster Management system to the appropriate BAYS Division Director for final approval.
C. MTOC Eligible Roster Changes: The BAYS Registrar will annually publish the deadline for making roster changes to MTOC rosters during the spring season. Roster changes for MTOC teams are requested by following the same procedure and satisfying the same requirements as for the original roster. Once a player is removed from the MTOC roster, the player is ineligible to return to that roster without a majority vote of the Placement Committee. No added player may play until a copy of the updated and stamped roster is approved in the Roster Management system by the Division Director.
D. Movement into MTOC eligible section in the Spring: If BAYS requests a non-MTOC eligible team to move into an MTOC-eligible section during the spring season then:
That team is ineligible for the BAYS post-season playoffs and MTOC.
Any players who received a waiver under Match Rule 4 may remain on the team.
The team will be subject to the roster size rules applicable to non-MTOC eligible teams under Match Rule 4. (Including players having a roster size waiver granted by the Waivers Committee for the additional players) but will not be subject to the team roster size rules for MTOC eligible teams in Match Rule 4.
A revised Roster will need to be submitted through the Roster Management system to the BAYS Registrar for validation prior to the first game played in the new section.
The team remains eligible for any other BAYS Competition they have entered (e.g., Presidents’ Cup) and are not subject to any new restrictions due to the move.
All games against all teams in the new section will count in the standings unless the timing of the move does not permit an equal number of games to be played against all opponents in the new section in which case the First Vice President will determine (in advance of the move) which games will count in the standings.
E. Non-MTOC Eligible Roster Changes: Non-MTOC team roster changes may be made at any time, although the local club may place any restrictions it deems appropriate, such as drops. No added player may play until the Division Director has approved an updated roster in the Roster Management system.
F. Players’ rights with respect to roster changes: Once a player has been listed on a roster filed in the Roster Management system for a BAYS Division Director’s review, the player is entitled to remain on that roster for the remainder of the current playing season. Clubs may make involuntary transfers or drops only in cases involving poor attendance, disciplinary problems, or safety issues. Players may appeal such actions to the BAYS protest board, which shall review whether the club had a reasonable basis for its decision.
G. BAYS 11 v 11
1. MTOC eligible teams playing in Grade 8 MTOC eligible divisions and older are limited to 22 players. Requests to permit the rostering of each player over the 22 player limit should be individually submitted through the online Waiver Application for determination by the Waivers Committee. Please See Match Rule 4.
2. Non-MTOC eligible teams are limited to 22 players. Requests to permit the rostering of players over the limit should be individually submitted through the online Waiver Application for determination by the Waivers Committee. Please See Match Rule 4.
H. BAYS 9 v 9: In addition to (or in modification of) the regular playing rules of soccer, the following special rules for BAYS 9v9 divisions shall apply:
1. MTOC eligible teams playing in Grade 6 MTOC eligible divisions are limited to 18 players. Requests to permit the rostering of each player over the 18 player limit should be individually submitted through the online Waiver Application for determination by the Waivers Committee. Please See Match Rule 4.
2. For non-MTOC eligible teams: there is no limit on the number of players allowed on a 9v9 team. BAYS, however, strongly encourages limiting rosters to 14 to 16 players so that a reasonable amount of playing time will be available for each player.
I. BAYS 7 v 7: In addition to (or in modification of) the regular playing rules of soccer, the following special rules for BAYS 7v7 divisions shall apply:
1. Roster: There is no limit on the number of players allowed on a 7v7 team. BAYS, however, strongly encourages limiting rosters to 11 or 12 players so that a reasonable amount of playing time will be available for each player.
J. BAYS Grade 912 7 v 7: In addition to (or in modification of) the regular playing rules of soccer, the following special rules for BAYS Grade 912 7v7 divisions shall apply:
1. Roster: There is no limit on the number of players allowed on a 7v7 Grade 912. BAYS, however, strongly encourages limiting rosters to 12 to 14 players so that a reasonable amount of playing time will be available for each player.