Update Tax Information
Follow these instructions to update your tax information for your BAYS referee account payments.
BAYS works with SX Business Services, an external payment partner, to process BAYS referee payments and file the appropriate tax information with the IRS. SX must receive a new W-9 to update your tax information.
- Click this link for a downloadable W-9 tax form (only information on the first page must be completed and returned). This government form is required to verify the referee's SSN and legal name. Please TYPE all the information into the form before printing out to sign it to make sure the information is legible.
- Full LEGAL name (no nicknames)
- Federal tax classification (e.g. individual)
- Mailing home address
- Social Security number
- SIGNATURE and date
Referees under the age of 18 are able to sign for themselves.
Complete and sign the form: then return it via ONE of the methods below:
- Scanned PDF or photo can be emailed to: [email protected]
- FAX form to: 781-634-0432
- Mail form to the address below: Please also send a notice to [email protected] on the date that forms were physically mailed so that we can gauge when the forms can be expected.
SX Business Services
661 Pleasant Street - Suite 250
Norwood, MA 02062
Only return the form through one method please.
We appreciate your work and want you to continue to have a good experience refereeing in BAYS.