Request for Ref Field Session Training
MSRC wants BAYS to aggregate requests for referee field session training courses from across all BAYS club Referee Assignors.
This is to help streamline the process, hopefully making it easier for all of us to be able to ensure that our referees have access to the needed training.
Currently, Michael Creane is the referee training coordinator for BAYS. Referee Assignors or Assignor Assistants can reach out to him at: [email protected].
We are in the process of creating a submission form to collect the needed information for MSRC, but in the interim, Assignors can contact Michael via the email listed above and he will work with you and MSRC to try and get your referees' training course needs met.
NOTE: Individual referees with questions about referee certification/recertification should contact their own club Referee Assignor. Click here for a list by town: BAYS Club Referee Assignors